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Principal Clubs

These clubs run in 10 week sessions. 2-3 weeks prior to the session start date, registration will become live.  Students' confirmation of their club schedule is based on a lottery registration.  If you do not hear from the Coordinator 3-4 days prior to the programming start date, please make sure to contact them via email.

  • Monday - Arts & Crafts, Volleyball, Book Club, Intramurals, Discovering Justice
  • Tuesday - Basketball, Debate, Intramurals, Spanish Club
  • Wednesday - Soccer, Brazilian Girls Group, GSA, Yearbook
  • Thursday - Student Council 

OST Inclusion Process

Flyers After School Info

Program Hours:
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm 

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 2pm 
Friday: 9am - 4pm