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Community Partner Resources & Resource Guide

Resource Guide

The Early Childhood Alliance of Framingham is pleased to announce the publication of the Resource Guide for Early Childhood 2022 edition. Your Roadmap!
Click to view/download Resource Guide   English - Portuguese - Spanish
This user-friendly booklet is designed as a guide for families new to the early childhood community. The information in the Resource Guide will assist you with the following:

choosing child care
early childhood education programs with brief descriptions
transitioning your child to Preschool and Kindergarten
Additionally, we have included community resources such as:

human service organizations
locations of parks and recreational facilities
enrichment program information
a map of the school district
We hope access to this information will make the road easier to navigate for families with young children.

City Resources Click the link to access the City of Framingham website. There is comprehensive, helpful information and resources for residents as well as the latest updates on the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)


Community Partner Resources

Community Resource List


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