School Committee Announcements
A School Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Memorial Building's Blumer Room 150 Concord St- Basement Level and Zoom (the Zoom link can be found on the agenda)
The meeting will be Live on The Government Channel: Comcast 22, RCN 13/HD613, Verizon/Fios 42, on Framingham TV. You can also view this meeting live on both Zoom and Facebook on the Framingham Public Schools Facebook Page. A recording of the meeting will be on The Government Channel and School Committee website following the meeting.
School Committee meetings will now provide American Sign Language (ASL), Spanish, and Portguese interpretation via Zoom. You can find the instructions on how to access live interpretation in this announcement
Welcome to School Committee
The Framingham School Committee is comprised of nine (9) members. Members shall be nominated and elected from each of the nine (9) districts into which the municipality is divided under Article VII, section 3. The mayor shall serve, by virtue of office, as an ex-officio member of the school committee and shall only vote to break a tie vote and shall be ineligible to serve as chair, vice-chair or clerk. The term of office for the nine school committee members elected by the voters shall be for two (2) years, beginning on the first day of January in the year following their election, and shall continue until their successors have been qualified.
Where to Watch
Where to Watch Meetings:
School Committee meetings are typically held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Memorial Building, 150 Concord St, Framingham Blumer Room - Basement Level
Zoom (the Zoom link can be found on the agenda)
Live Broadcast:
The Government Channel: Comcast 22, RCN 13/HD 613, and Verizon/FiOS 42
Facebook Live: FPS Facebook Page
Video On Demand
Past meetings prior to August 1, 2018: FEC-TV Video on Demand (Select 'Video on Demand' from the left side of the page)
Past meetings after August 1, 2018: The Government Channel (You can also watch past meeting recordings from the schedule)
Contact Us
Please Note: The Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that e-mail is a public record.
Framingham School Committee
Farley Building
19 Flagg Drive
Framingham, MA 01702
Phone: 508-626-9121
Email: All School Comittee Members:
Chair Jessica Barnhill
Vice Chair Jennifer Moshe
Clerk Rich Robles
District 1 Rich Robles –
District 2 David Gordon –
District 3 Jennifer Moshe –
District 4 Adam Freudberg –
District 5 Judy Styer –
District 6 Valerie Ottaviani –
District 7 Tiffanie Maskell –
District 8 Jessica Barnhill –
District 9 William LaBarge –
Student Advisory Chair Jordan Cohen –