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Title I Families … What does it mean?

Title I, Part A: Improving Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged Students, federal grant is a supplemental fund distributed throughout the country. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) distributes a share throughout the public school districts within the states based on a 40% low income enrollment threshold. Title I funds are to be used towards extra student academic support. 

Title I Schoolwide Program (TISP) focuses on reading, math and/or language arts and is designed to supplement services to every student using a variety of models. Being part of a TISP means that the school your child(ren) attends receives supplementary federal funding for academic curriculum support.  

It is our goal to provide the best quality support to our Framingham Public School students. With Title I funding, our district has budgeted funding towards:

  • Hiring new teachers, social-emotional staff, and support staff
  • Supplemental educational field trips
  • Additional teaching materials, including technology, to supplement students' daily instructions 
  • Variety of supplementary high quality professional development
  • Special instructional classes 

Title I Frequently Asked Questions

  • For a school to be eligible to receive Title I supplemental funds from the federal government, the school must be at a specific low income percentile - 40% threshold.


  • Being part of a school that is identified at being 40% or higher for low income does not negatively impact your family or your child’s education. 

    Low-income students are children whose family’s social and/or economic circumstances hinder their ability to learn at school. 

    The only impact that the school has, is receiving supplemental funds to support academic achievement for all students.


  • Due to our diversity and large number of students per school, it is in the best interest of our students and staff to participate in a Title I Schoolwide Program. 

    Participating in a schoolwide program means that every child and every staff at the school is allowed to benefit from Title I supplemental funds, whereas a targeted program is for specified students and staff. 


  • Framingham Public Schools currently have seven (7) identified Title I Schoolwide Schools and three (3) neighboring private schools.  

    As long as the identified school is at the 40% threshold, it will continue to receive Title I funding.


  • Framingham Public Schools have federal and state mandated procedures to follow once a school is identified as Title I. 

    A Home & School Compact is one of the mandated documents that we, as a district and Title I school, must provide to, now known as, our Title I families. 

    This form is a compact which identifies the commitment the teacher, family member and student will undertake to share the responsibility of a successful academic school year. 

    This form is not an agreement, it is voluntary.  

    DESE's Copy: Parent and School Compact

    GDO’s Copy: Home & School Compact*

    *Each Title I school have the right to modify the form in the way that best fit their school.



  • Participation - the action of taking part in something. We believe that your participation and your child's participation is very important in their education. 

    Allowing a child to partake in their own education has proven academic and social achievement.  

    The Home & School Compact is voluntary. Neither you or your child are required to sign this form.


FPS Title I Schools

  • The mission of Barbieri School is to prepare our students to become successful global citizens. We challenge them to reach their academic potential and teach them the value of cultural, economic and learning differences, with an emphasis on bi-lingualism and biliteracy.

  • Brophy School has a long tradition for high standards and excellence in education.  Highly qualified teachers, an active principal and involved parents work together to provide a caring, learning environment for all our students.

  • We would like to welcome Cameron Middle School to our Title I Schoolwide Program!


    Title I Schoolwide Program Justification Request

    Mission Statement:

    Cameron Middle School provides a safe, positive learning community that celebrates individuality and student successes.  Our goal is to prepare students to excel in a complex and global society by fostering creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and civic awareness. 

    Cameron Middle School Homepage

    Cameron's DESE School & District Profile

  • The community of Fuller Middle Schools is committed to the academic, social, physical, and emotional development of every student. This commitment is supported by a philosophy based on differentiation, participation, high expectations, cooperation and respect for all.

  • At Harmony Grove Elementary School, we celebrate our diversity. Harmony Grove Elementary provides an environment that develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who work to create a better peaceful world. Harmony Grove is committed to providing high quality, challenging, international education that nurtures active, open-minded, reflective and balanced life-long learners. These learners will respect themselves and others, empowering them to be empathetic, competent leaders in a diverse, global society.

  • Although all students in the Framingham Public Schools learn about the natural world in their classrooms, at the Mary E. Stapleton School the curriculum is enriched with frequent trips outdoors. Each excursion into the environment is focused on enhancing and providing depth to classroom lessons. The goal is to guide students to become responsible stewards of the natural environment and to develop an appreciation for the natural world.

  • Our staff is committed to ensuring a safe, caring, inclusive, and challenging environment in which your children will be actively engaged in, and taking ownership of, their own learning. We are also committed to challenging ourselves to model a growth mindset that we wish to instill in all members of our school community. We want our students to recognize that it is their effort, perseverance, and willingness to seek out learning opportunities that will determine their academic and social success. In addition, we will help students to respect themselves and others, to understand and appreciate differences, and to hold themselves to high standards.