What if my child suffers from a chronic health condition?
If your child suffers from a chronic health condition or disability that may cause frequent absences, early dismissals or late arrivals to school please contact your school nurse to provide documentation from a licensed medical professional specifying the condition and any associated limitations and/or needs. Close communication about your child’s condition and coordination with the nurse, school administrator, counselor and/or social worker is strongly recommended to assure that the school can support their needs and attendance to school.
What if my child misses school due to a family trip?
FPS strongly discourages family vacations/travel when school is in session. Efforts should be made to schedule travel during school holidays and vacations. Absences for family vacations interrupt the educational process in ways that make-up work cannot reverse. Absences due to family trips are considered unexcused, even if the school is made aware in advance.
What if my child is absent for an extended period for illness/injury?
Students who are absent because of illness or injury for 14 consecutive school days, or students with chronic illnesses who have recurring home/hospital stays of less than 14 consecutive school days, when such recurrences have added up to or are expected to exceed 14 school days in a school year, are eligible for home/ hospital educational services. The medical need for services must be documented by a physician. You should contact your child’s school counselor if you believe your child meets these criteria.
Will my child’s absences be excused if I need to take them to another country for a family funeral for an extended period of time? For extended trips to another country due to the death of an immediate family member, 5 days of absence will be excused. Any absences beyond 5 days will be unexcused.