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Building Permits & Facility Rentals

Facility Use and Rental Information

The facilities of the Framingham School District are available to rent by municipal and private groups as well as other organizations. Two weeks notice is required for all Building Permit Requests. All applicants must read the Framingham Public School Rules and Regulations (see below) before submitting an application and all fields in an application must be completed. Please note that submitting a Building Permit Request does not guarantee the space requested is available and School Department events take precedence.

Facility Rental

Framingham Public Schools is now using ML Schedules Software to manage the facility rental and permit request process. This is a change from past practice and requires that each person requesting building use and/or a permit will need to have an ML Schedules account.

Once you create your account, it can take 1-2 business days before you can submit a building / permit request. You can refer to the Basic User Quick Start Guide for detailed guidance on creating your account and submitting requests.

Looking to rent space from Framingham Public Schools? Start here!

For any questions about using our facilities, please contact Emilee King at 508 626-9111 or by email at 

  1. Register your group at: ML Schedules Register
  2. Once your account is approved, you can Log In and submit your request: ML Schedule Login
  • All requests for permits shall be made through the office of the Director of Buildings and Grounds, 19 Flagg Drive, Framingham, MA 01702, 508-626-9111. Framingham citizens, benevolent, charitable, business or government organizations are eligible for permits. Applicants must be 21 years of age or over. Application must be made at least two weeks prior to function date.

    School facilities may be used for educational, recreational, social, civic, philanthropic and like purposes.

    All rental fees are per the prevailing schedule available from the Office of the Director of Buildings and Grounds. There is a two- hour minimum charge in effect. Any permit which runs fifteen-minutes beyond the hour will be charged one additional hour. Fee exemption is for and as prevailing School Committee policy regulation permits.

    All fees will be paid no later than on the day of the permit, unless other arrangements are made. Checks are to be made payable to the “City of Framingham – Civic Use”. The payment check shall be given to the custodian servicing the permit or unless otherwise agreed upon through the office of the Director of Buildings and Grounds. No cash will be accepted. Permits for any account 30 days overdue will be immediately cancelled.

    Cancellations must be made in writing and received in the Buildings and Grounds office at least 48 hours prior to the function. Non-cancellation will result in a two-hour minimum charge.

    The purposes for which buildings and facilities may not be used are per the prevailing policy, a copy of which may be examined in the office of the Director of Buildings and Grounds.

    Based upon the size and type of program, two custodians may be assigned to service a permit. The Buildings and Grounds office will make that determination. The fee for the second custodian will be at the overtime rate set by the Buildings and Grounds office.

    If conditions warrant, additional charges for set-up, breakdown, clean up, lighting and use of sound systems may be levied over and above the rental fee.

    The applicant of record shall assume all responsibilities governing the issuance of a permit as well as the decorum of his/her group.

    All equipment is accepted as is and as such the permit holder assumes full responsibility for all damage to the building and/or the equipment thereof.

    Spectators are not permitted unless the condition is so noted on the permit.

    Groups in excess of 125 attendees require police coverage. The securing of police protection is the responsibility of each applicant. FPS reserves the right to require police coverage dependent upon type of activity.

    Food may be served only in the cafeteria. The cafeteria manager must be in attendance whenever cafeteria equipment is used.

    The directives of the custodian servicing the permit are final with respect to the use of the building and/or equipment.

    The Director of Buildings and Grounds has the right to cancel permits for valid reasons. Permit holders, however, have the right to appeal to the Superintendent of Schools and thence to the School Committee.

    Priority shall be given to school activities. Permits may be revoked or subject to change without notice if a conflict develops with school activities.

    Lessee agrees that they will protect and save and keep the Lessor forever harmless and indemnified against and from any penalty or damage or charges imposed for any violation of any laws or ordinances, whether occasioned by the neglect of Lessee or those holding under Lessee, and that Lessee will at all times protect, indemnify and save and keep harmless the Lessor against and from any and all loss, cost damage or expense, arising out of or from any accident or other occurrence on or about said premise, causing injury to any person or property whomsoever or whatsoever and will protect, indemnify and save and keep harmless the Lessor against and from any and all claims and against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense arising out of any failure of Lessee in any respect to comply with and perform all the requirements and provisions hereof.

    The School Committee and the School Department reserves the right to modify, change or cancel this permit due to circumstances, which may occur beyond their control or to modify these rules and regulations.

    A two-hour deposit is required for each permit taken to guard against no notification of cancellation. Appropriate credit will be allowed if justified.

    A general liability policy ($1,000,000) is required as part of the rental agreement. A certificate of insurance must be provided as proof of said policy. The organization shall obtain insurance from a private agency in the amount of $1,000,000 general liability and Property Coverage indemnifying the City of Framingham. A certificate of insurance shall be presented 14 days prior of the rental naming the City of Framingham as additional insured. The certificate shall include the organization or individual and the function date.


    Revised April 2019