Framingham Public Schools is looking for dedicated Bus Drivers and Bus Monitors for the 2025–2026 school year and beyond! Be part of a team committed to providing safe, clean, and reliable transportation for our amazing students.
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Title IX, Non-Descrimination, and Civil Rights Overview
At Framingham Public Schools (FPS), we are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all students, staff, and community members. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities receiving federal funding. This includes protection against sexual harassment, assault, and any form of gender-based discrimination.
Our district adheres to all relevant non-discrimination laws, ensuring that every student has equal access to educational opportunities, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. We strive to create a safe and supportive atmosphere where diversity is celebrated and every individual can thrive.
We encourage students and families to report any incidents of discrimination or harassment. Our dedicated staff is trained to handle these matters with sensitivity and care, ensuring that all concerns are addressed promptly and effectively. Together, we can uphold our commitment to civil rights and promote a positive educational experience for everyone in our community.
Non-discrimination Policy Statement
The Framingham Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and strictly prohibits sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, in any education program or activity that it operates, including in admission and employment. Framingham Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions in its educational programs and employment activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; M.G.L. c. 151B; M.G.L. c. 151C; M.G.L. c. 76, § 5. The District’s policy of nondiscrimination extends to students, staff, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business; no person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in employment, admissions, or in obtaining the advantages, privileges, and courses of study of such public school on account of sex.
The District has adopted and implements a Title IX Grievance Procedure to ensure the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment. A copy of the Framingham Public Schools Title IX Grievance Procedure may be accessed on the District website at the following link: Title IX Discrimination Grievance Procedures or through the office of the Title IX Coordinator.
For questions related to the District’s Non-Discrimination policy or grievance procedures, to make a report or complaint of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, or for information relative to accommodations and services for individuals based on pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, please contact Inna London, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, who serves as the District’s Title IX Coordinator,, 508-626-9107.
Inquires or complaints relative to sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, may also be directed to the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights: U.S. Department of Education
8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921. Telephone: (617) 289-0111 Email:
Framingham Public Schools has also designated certain staff members to serve as Confidential Employees with whom a student or employee may discuss a report of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, informally and without concern for further disclose, unless such further disclosure is requested.
Any employee or student found to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action. Students found to have engaged in sexual harassment may be subject to disciplinary proceedings in accordance with procedures set forth in Student Discipline section of this handbook and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Staff members determined to have engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to professional discipline including possible termination of employment.
Title IX Sex Discrimination Grievance Procedures
The District has adopted grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints made by students, employees, or other individuals who are participating or attempting to participate in its education program or activity, or by the Title IX Coordinator(s), alleging any action that would be prohibited by Title IX or the Title IX regulations. See link here: Title IX Discrimination Grievance Procedures
Title IX Coordinator
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Inna London
New Pregnant Student Regulations
The 2020 Title IX regulations 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) requires campuses to post training materials for Title IX coordinators, Title IX decision-makers, Title IX investigators, and all who implement informal resolution processes. Click Here for the Training.