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District Report Cards

Framingham School and District Report Cards: 2024-2025

“Every year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education releases a report card for each school and district in the state. Just as a student's report card shows how they are doing in different classes, school and district report cards are designed to show parents and community members how a school or district is doing in different areas. Report cards highlight a school or district's strengths as well as any challenges that need to be addressed in order to make sure the needs of all students are being met.” –DESE


Overview from DESE

In accordance with the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), all states and districts receiving federal Title I funds must prepare and disseminate annual report cards. Report cards are critical tools for promoting accountability for schools, districts, and states by publicizing data about student performance and program effectiveness for parents, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Report cards help families and the general public see where schools and districts are succeeding and where there is still work to do.

We are pleased to provide you with our Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) district and school report cards. Families and other community members may also find a hard copy of the report card at the local libraries in Framingham.

The report cards contain the following information:

  • Student enrollment 
  • Teacher qualifications 
  • Student achievement 
  • Accountability 
  • Performing comparison to other districts and schools 
  • Progress toward improving proficiency 

In the same way that data enable educators to make better decisions about teaching and learning, data can also help parents and other community members work more effectively with educators and local school officials. The more parents and community members know about the academic achievement of tier children and their schools, the more likely they are to be involved. - DESE Regulation: State and Local Report Cards under Title I, Part A A-2. 

State and Local Report Cards Non-Regulatory Guidance (PDF from the US Department of Education, last updated in 2019)

Report Cards

  • School & District Report Card - PDF

    Families can use the information given on the report cards to have meaningful conversations with us about areas in which the school is doing well and where there is room for improvement. Our education leaders will use the information and feedback given to us to better understand how we can improve the support for our students and their schools. (Uploaded February 14, 2025)

  • Boletins Escolares e do Distrito - PDF

    As famílias podem utilizar os dados fornecidos nos boletins informativos para terem conversas valiosas conosco sobre áreas em que a escola está progredindo e onde há espaço para melhorias. Os nossos líderes educacionais utilizam a informação e o retorno que nos são apresentados para compreender como podemos melhorar o suporte aos nossos alunos e às suas escolas. (Uploaded February 14, 2025)

  • Boletín de Calificaciones de las Escuelas y del Distrito - PDF

    Las familias pueden usar la información proporcionada en el boletín de calificaciones para dialogar con nosotros sobre las áreas en las que la escuela está funcionando bien y donde podría mejorar. Nuestros líderes y directivos utilizarán esta información y sus comentarios para comprender mejor cómo podemos mejorar nuestro apoyo a los estudiantes y sus escuelas. (Uploaded February 14, 2025)

If you have any questions concerning the School & District Report Cards or would like  further details about your child's school performance, please contact:

Office of Teaching and Learning

Telephone: (508) 626-9132

Mrs. Amy Bright, Assistant Superintendent for PreK-12 Education