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Language Assessment Office

Language Assessment Office

The language assessment office strives to provide a welcoming environment for incoming multilingual students and families. We work to assess their English language proficiency and place them in the appropriate multilingual program. Our specialists also assist in providing families with community and school resources.



A group of students work on computers in a classroom setting.


When a new student enrolls in the Framingham Public Schools, a Home Language Survey is used to collect information about the languages spoken at home. All students whose home language includes a language other than English are tested for English language proficiency. (G.L.c. 71A, sec. 4,5).

Students’ English language proficiency will be assessed by means of a screening process. The screening process is conducted on an individual basis. DESE has identified several appropriate assessments and scoring cutoffs depending on the student’s age. Except for PreK-K students who are assessed only in listening and speaking, students in grades 1-12 are assessed in the four language domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

DESE Guidance on English Learner Education Services and Programming

Additionally, students who speak either Spanish or Portuguese, the two largest populations of the district, are assessed in their native language. The results of the English and native language assessments are then shared with the family and assist with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and school/program placement of ELs.

To read more about our offerings, please visit the Multilingual Programs page.


A visual representation of the bilingual continuum, showing different levels of English and Partner Language (PL) proficiency.


Nancy Clougherty 
19 Flagg Drive, Framingham MA 01702
Phone: 508-782-6618


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