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Mission: The Multilingual Education Department offers research-based programs and exemplary instruction for multilingual learners in the Framingham Public Schools. FPS has a diverse student population and currently instructs students from over 70 countries who speak over 68 languages.

We are committed to offering the highest quality of educational experiences to all students through language development programs in Portuguese, Spanish, Mandarin, French, American Sign Language and English that foster social and academic language proficiency and achievements of grade level content-area standards, while simultaneously building on and celebrating students' cultural, linguistic and educational backgrounds, practices, and experiences.

Students, Teachers, Administrators and Caregivers in:                                                                   A tree with leaves representing flags of different countries, symbolizing global unity.

  • Dual Language
  • Dual Language Extenstion
  • ESL Instruction
  • Transitional Bilingual Education
  • World Language 
  • Sheltered English Immersion
  • Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education 

Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy

The State Seal of Biliteracy is an award provided by state approved districts that recognizes high school graduates who attain high functional and academic levels of proficiency in English and a world language in recognition of having studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. Our vision is to help students recognize the value of their academic success and see the tangible benefits of being bilingual. The State Seal of Biliteracy takes the form of a seal that appears on the transcript or diploma of the graduating senior and is a statement of accomplishment for future employers and for college admissions.

Video in English |    Spanish|    Portuguese|    Mandarin |    Haitian Creole|    Viet


Language Opportunity Coalition Biliteracy Pathway Award

The Language Opportunity Coalition (LOC) Biliteracy Pathway Awards are designed to encourage long-term language study by recognizing and rewarding language learning in elementary, middle and high school. The awards can be given in addition to the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy, an award for graduating high school seniors.

The pathway awards were originally developed during the Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy Pilot, which operated from 2016-18 before passage of the LOOK Act. The LOC is continuing to support the awards and provide resources for implementation.

LOC Biliteracy Pathway Award levels:

  • LOC Biliteracy Participation Award (ACTFL Novice-High): For preschool and elementary school Students & students with disabilities (all grades).
  • LOC Biliteracy Attainment Award (ACTFL Intermediate-Low): For elementary & middle school students.
  • LOC Biliteracy Achievement Award (ACTFL Intermediate-Mid): For middle and high school students.


All multilingual learners in Framingham Public Schools in grades 5, 8 and 12 are encouraged to participate in these biliteracy recognition opportunities. 

Contact Us

Phone: 508-626-9171
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Director of Multilingual Education
Evanggelia Diamantopoulos
Assistant Director of Multilingual Education
Jesse Rubio

Manager of Translation and Interpreting Services
Bernardo Llorente

Coordinator of Language Assessment and Family Engagement
Nancy Clougherty

District Level Executive Assistant
Miriam Aviles

Administrative Specialist
Coralee Halliday