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Ensuring community safety is vital at FRAMINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS. We require all potential and current employees, as well as student teachers, to undergo fingerprinting for a national criminal record check. This process extends beyond a standard CORI check, allowing us to make informed hiring decisions. It complies with legal standards and maintains confidentiality, reinforcing our commitment to a safe environment.

New hires must register for a fingerprinting appointment at an enrollment center via the registration website. Substitutes and student teachers can provide up to 10 district organization codes to avoid multiple fees. There's a $35 fee for non-licensed employees and a $55 fee for DESE Licensed Professionals. Substitutes must also submit fingerprints for checks and will pay the $55 fee if they hold educator licenses; otherwise, they pay $35. Keep your fingerprint receipt as proof of completion. If you have already fingerprinted,  please request to your previous employer and email or mail it to us at

Closest Location: 50 Franklin Street, Framingham MA, 01702

Fingerprinting Provider: IdentoGO Center
Provider ID: 01000000 - Framingham Public Schools