The Framingham Public School District uses images and/or videos (‘media’) of students and student work to showcase educational activities and programs (including before and after school and vacation programs), as well as to inform the community of the Framingham Public Schools experience. Photographs, videos, and/or the name of your child may be included in publications (print or digital), news releases, and on District maintained websites or social media accounts.
If you DO NOT give Framingham Public Schools permission to use your child’s name, image, or school work in any public display or presentation, please complete the digital Google Form (Photo / Video Opt-Out | Exclusión de foto/video | Formulário de Exclusão de Mídia (Foto/Vídeo) or print, sign, and return the form(s) listed below to the appropriate place based on your school(s).
Printed Forms
Printed forms can be returned to the:
Please note that FPS does not control the disclosure or use of photographs or video taken by participants at events that are open to parents, community members, and/or the news media. Additionally, this form does not apply to students participating in public events, like academic competitions, performances and athletic events. Student photos and names from these events may be published by news media.
Upon receipt of this signed opt-out form, school staff will document your child’s status (Media Opt-Out) in the X2 Student Information System for the current school year.