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FPS Announces the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Process

Posted Date: 3/14/25 (8:15 PM)

The Framingham Public Schools (FPS) and the Framingham School Committee have launched a planning and outreach effort around the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 budget development process. Stakeholders will continue to have the opportunity to learn about and offer feedback on the District’s plans before a vote on the FY26 budget proposal by the School Committee scheduled for March 26, 2025. 

The FY26 budget process began earlier this school year with school principals and department directors working on individual budget sheet requests. All requests and all costs must be associated with the District’s Strategic Plan. Together with the Business Office, multiple meetings have occurred with school principals and directors to review expense requests (e.g., office supplies, professional development, instructional supplies, etc.), additional salary requests, and any new position requests for the coming school year  (FY26). The District continues to work on building the FY26 budget and seeks input before the formal presentation to the public and School Committee on March 19th when the annual public hearing on the budget is scheduled. 

FY26 Planning Schedule

Past and future meetings on the FY26 Budget development process include:

  • January 22nd School Committee Meeting

  • January 23rd Finance and Operations Subcommittee Meeting 

  • February 26th School Committee Meeting 

  • March 11th Finance and Operations Subcommittee Joint Meeting with the City Council’s Finance Subcommittee 

  • March 19th School Committee Meeting and Public Hearing

  • March 26th School Committee Meeting and Vote on the Budget Submission to the Mayor

View the materials and videos for the full School Committee meetings on the School Committee’s website and view the Finance and Operations Subcommittee meetings materials and videos as part of the Subcommittees Agendas and Minutes website.  

The District’s current FY26 Budget overview and status can be found in the materials for the March 19th meeting on the School Committee’s website

All School Committee meetings offer members of the public up to three minutes to speak at the start of any meeting, an additional option during the annual public hearing on the budget, and a third additional opportunity available at the end of meetings if requested.  The public comment policy (BEDH) can be found in Framingham Public School’s policy manual.

All School Committee meetings are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial Building’s Blumer Room, and can be watched live on The Government Channel on local cable, on Facebook Live on the FPS Facebook Page, on Zoom, or by audio through the phone, with video recordings available online by the next day. Those interested are also welcome to email ideas to the School Committee and Superintendent. For agendas, meeting materials, and email addresses, visit the School Committee’s website

After the School Committee’s submission, per City Charter, the Mayor will review the request and send a budget proposal to the City Council by early May for their review, consideration, and votes before the end of the Fiscal Year June 30th.