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A young boy smiles brightly, with the text 'COMMUNITY RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT' in the background.

 Mission & Vision


Framingham Public Schools Department of Community Resource Development (CRD) provides multifaceted, comprehensive, and equitable Out-of-School Time programming for students while actively promoting Family and Community Engagement, in alignment with the FPS Strategic Plan.


  1. Further complement student’s school day experience through both formal and informal expanded learning time, high quality recreation, project based and social emotional learning.
  2. Strengthen and prioritize family and community engagement in a continued effort for all stakeholders to serve as equal partners in promoting student success.
  3. Create more robust professional development opportunities to better equip OST staff to deliver the highest quality program based on students and families needs.

A group of children stand outdoors, with the text 'Explorers Before & After School Care PreK - 5' visible.

A banner for Flyers After School, an after-school care program for students in grades 6-8.

A graphic with the text 'Resiliency For Life' and the tagline 'SEL & Academic Support for High School Students'.

A graphic with a blurred background and the text 'Summer Programming' in white, with the tagline 'Elementary & Secondary Summer Fun' below.

A banner with the text 'Summer Institute' and 'High School Original & Recovery Credit' on a blue background.

A blue banner with white text that reads 'Take Home Enrichment Activities' with a house icon and the words 'At Home' on the right side.



A man with short brown hair and a beard smiles at the camera, wearing glasses and a dark blue long-sleeved shirt. Noah Dawson

                       Noah Dawson

 Assistant Director, Community Resource Development 

508-686-0104 /

A purple background with the word 'Registration' in white text.

A blurred image of people with the text 'Employment Opportunities' in white bold letters on a brown background.