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Explorers Before & After School [PreK - 5]

Explorers Before & After School [PreK - 5]

explorers logo, with kids photos

Registration will be open Tuesday, May 28th through Sunday, June 30th. 

Please click the link below to start the registration process.

MyRec Registration Software

We encourage families to fill out their registration forms as soon as possible, as there is limited space at the start of the school year. We will increase our enrollment capacities based on our staffing and enrollment ratios at each site.  To qualify to register, all balances from the 2023-2024 school year must be paid in full. If there is a balance from the 2023-2024 school year, it must be paid prior to June 30th, otherwise your student ‘s registration will be removed and you won’t be eligible to enroll until payment is received; pending enrollment and staffing capacities. 

Although we rarely have waitlists, a registration window allows us to ensure quality staffing for when the school year begins. If your student switches schools during the registration window, their schedule will be guaranteed at their new school. School transfers and new registration requests made after June 30th will be accommodated based on availability and staff capacity.

Scholarship applications are also being accepted at this time. If you need tuition assistance, please complete the scholarship application as soon as possible. As a reminder, scholarships are awarded annually and are not guaranteed from one year to the next. Scholarships will be awarded to families during the week of July 8th and will be notified no later than July 12th. Families who are applying for tuition assistance should register within the registration period to reserve a space for their student in programming; submission of a scholarship application does not guarantee space nor assistance.



The Office of Community Resource Development (CRD) serves as a facilitator for the Framingham Public Schools in providing multifaceted, comprehensive, and holistic learning opportunities to all students through programming that addresses social and emotional development and provides academic supports that complement the school day.


  • Expand access to high quality out of school time programming for all students.
  • Increase partnerships with higher education institutions to expand college and career opportunities for all students.
  • Develop world class community partnerships that enhance our student development and achievement.

What we do:

  • After School Programs at the Elementary and Secondary Level
  • Vacation, Summer and Early Release Day Programming
  • Community Partnership Development
  • Grant Making and Fundraising

Inclusion Process

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Who to Contact / Con Quién Debemos Contactar / Pessoa Para Contato

School Contact Person
McCarthy Anahi Famania,
Barbieri Jose Pesantez,
Brophy Phylicia Daniels,
Dunning Andrea Aguilar,
Harmony Grove Enisia Souza,
Hemenway Hadiya Severin,
Blocks Emilee King,
Potter Road Emilee King,
Stapleton Emilee King,
All Other Questions


A green and white logo with the text 'Barbieri Explorers' against a blurred background.

The words 'Brophy Explorers' in white text against a blurred background of a school building.

A sign outside a building reads 'Dunning Explorers'.

A close-up of the sign for Harmony Grove Elementary School, which reads 'Harmony Grove Explorers.'

A colorful banner with the text 'Hemenway Explorers' and 'Hemenway School' in white.

A graphic with the text 'King Explorers' in white against a blurred background of a building and trees.

A close-up of a school sign that reads 'McCarthy Explorers' with the words 'Miriam Elementary School' visible in the background.

A blurred image of a sidewalk with the text 'Potter Road Explorers' in white letters.

A close-up of a sign that reads 'Stapleton Explorers' with a blurred background of a brick building.

A man with short brown hair and a beard smiles at the camera, wearing glasses and a dark blue long-sleeved shirt. Noah Dawson

Noah Dawson
Assistant Director, Community Resource Development
508-686-0104 / 

Tax Id#: E046001 151

Inclusion Process

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Inclusion Process

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