Learn about Early Education at FPS by visiting the Early Education website.
Elementary Education
The Office of Teaching and Learning oversees the PK-5 curriculum articulation and alignment to state standards as well as the effective implementation of instructional practices that support those standards. Curriculum review and revision goes through a cyclical process so all subject areas are reviewed on a rotating, 7-year cycle. The Office of Teaching and Learning is responsible for ensuring what is taught is current, that best instructional practices are implemented throughout the district, and that teachers and students have the resources they need.
Secondary Education
The Office of Teaching and Learning oversees grades 6-12 curriculum articulation and alignment to state standards as well as the effective implementation of instructional practices that support those standards. Curriculum review and revision goes through a cyclical process so all subject areas are reviewed on a rotating, 7-year cycle. The Office of Teaching and Learning is responsible for ensuring what is taught is current, that best instructional practices are implemented throughout the district, and that teachers and students have the resources they need.
The following content areas are included under the curriculum umbrella:
Early Education
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment
Department of Educational Technology
Department of Fine & Performing Arts
Department of Multilingual Education
Massachusetts DESE Curriculum Frameworks Parent Guides
Massachusetts DESE Curriculum Frameworks Standards Navigator
Office of Teaching and Learning and Office of Student Supports Strategic Plan (September 2023)